How I earned my first $ in crypto-space, without coding!

Short story:

You know I've been looking into earning some money from writing content, till I learn how to code blockchain, which can take months.

On twitter, I have found out about this "Codeless Conduct", a hackathon for people with no coding skills.

There were things like content writing, social media, community building-management, tokenomics, data etc...

Many good sponsors, among them Zesty.

I was pulled in many directions, trying to learn everything I can. It was like trying to drink from a firehose.

But I did at least complete and submit one entry for Zesty, which was a thread explaining/promoting .

And then I got 3rd place for that category.

You can read more here:

Zesty Codeless Conduct Prize Announcement

Lessons learned:

  • While you are learning and developing new skills like coding, don't discount the possibility that you can also make money with skills you already have. There are a lot of non-technical jobs in crypto-space too.

  • Crypto-blockchain space is filled with absolutely amazing people. I have never been a part of a group or event more supportive, positive, helpful and just amazing in general. Did I say amazing? lol... I am so grateful that such an event happened, filled with such awesome people. Organizers, coaches, sponsors, participants, they were all smart, enthusiastic people I could learn from. It was a joy and privilege to participate.

  • Making connections and getting to know people is just as important as your "hard skills". Such events are perfect places to make a few new friends.

My plans to learn blockchain development has not changed. But I will spend about %50 of my time to writing, and applying for content and social media type of jobs. %50 of my time to learn coding.

The "learn to code, earn crypto" part of my plan is still similar to this post:

How to become a blockchain engineer

But it may take a bit longer since I'm not spending %100 of my time on learning to code, only %50.

I'll keep the timeline open for getting a full-time blockchain developer job, and write some more content for the short term money.

I now feel more confident that I can do this. Write content to pay the bills now. Learn to code for full Learn coding for developer jobs in 3-6 months. Develop relationships with people in the crypto-blockchain space, always.